King's Kids
Community Outreach
King’s Kids Community Outreach is an incredible opportunity for you to engage with King’s Kids a bit closer, as well as to serve and reach out to our local community. This one week program that happens during the short breaks during the school holidays in New Zealand will encourage you to deepen your relationship with God in a proven and fun way.

What happens on King’s Kids Community Outreach?

• Dances (You will have the chance to learn new choreographic dances; which you can use to teach in your church ministry.)
• Devotionals (Quick time with a reflective and life carrying teaching about principles and values.)
• Moment of Praise & Worship (A delightful time in God’s Presence through worship.)
• Snacks (Before we head back home, we have our snack time.)
• Uniform (It will be given to you a t-shirt uniform.)
• Final Celebration (At the end of our last day together, usually at 4 pm, the entire team will be celebrating God with everything we have learned during the week on a final performance for our family and friends.)

How to be part of it?
• For this program in specific we are limited to accept participants who are 10 years old and above. But please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have a sibling or friend who wants to join you in the program, we would love to hear from you.
• The program happens at our place during the afternoons alone, from 2 – 5 pm. These will require your guardian or parent to drop you off and pick you up daily.

How much does it cost?
• The community outreach is a FREE program available for you and your children!